If you are wondering if your condition can benefit from acupuncture, odds are that it can. All ages can benefit from acupuncture. We see many people who are seeking an alternative to Western medicine or it may be their last hope after having exhausted other methods of treatment for a chronic condition. They often report wishing they had tried acupuncture first. For others, an acupuncturist may be their first choice of health care practitioner for a low-risk form of treatment with few side effects. Most acupuncturists are also trained herbalists which allows an even greater arsenal of ways to treat your condition. The power to heal is there within your own body and the acupuncture treatment will spark that natural ability.
Some common ailments for which we see patients include migraines, neck and back pain, asthma, allergies, women's health and fertility. Studies show that those planning IVF, should incorporate acupuncture into the procedure to improve positive results.
We are a in-network for most insurance plans, including Kaiser, Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Package plans and senior discounts are also available. We welcome all from Temecula Valley and beyond to experience the healing power of acupuncture, Call today, 951-698-7977!