There are many reasons why you should only seek acupuncture from licensed acupuncturists. You wouldn't go to an amateur tattoo artist for a tattoo. You also wouldn't go to a veterinarian if you've got the flu, even if they are well trained in animal biology. If you are seeking acupuncture, it is important you find one that is a Licensed Acupuncturist or L.Ac. When you find one, be sure to ask where they received their training, which acupuncture school did they attended, and what is their California acupuncture license number. With the answers to these specific questions you will be able to discover if they are truly a Licensed Acupuncturist or another physician that merely took a weekend course in how to insert needles.
A licensed acupuncturist uses specific information obtained during an initial consultation and exam that allows them to create a treatment plan for you, the patient. Aside from asking a list of detailed of questions, they will also ask to look at your tongue and check your pulse. These diagnostic checks provide more information on what type of treatment might be required and help us to understand what is going on inside the body. Traditional acupuncture done within the scope of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic type of patient care.
Other professions may claim to be licensed to perform acupuncture, but you should know that the amount of time and depth of training pales to that of an acupuncturist who has graduated from a school of Chinese medicine with at least a master's degree.
Currently, chiropractors are only required to have 300 hours of training to perform acupuncture, and many have much less. Physical therapists have been performing “dry needling” which is the insertion of acupuncture needles into certain areas of the body. Do not be fooled: dry needling is merely acupuncture being given by unlicensed acupuncturists. Many times physical therapists have as few as 10 hours of training, in comparison to the 1,850 hours it takes to become a licensed acupuncturist. It is worth noting that many other acupuncturists, such as myself, have as many as 3,200 hours or more of training that includes herbal studies and clinic internships. All of those hours also do not account for the time I spent on an internship in Taiwan at a hospital which integrates both western medicine with traditional Chinese medicine.
Even beyond the field of acupuncture, this should be a concern of patients and customers. Know your provider and find out what there background is, even before your first visit.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Weight Loss With Acupuncture
In 2012, the publication Acupuncture in Medicine ran a report showing that acupuncture works by normalising a number of our body’s key hormones.
This small study investigated the effect of 5 weeks of acupuncture on weight loss and measured a circulating level of specific hormones involved in weight management in 40 obese women with a BMI greater than 30.
Weight loss in Chinese medicine In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), excess weight is due to an imbalance within the body cause by a malfunctioning spleen and liver. In Chinese medicine theory, the spleen is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system, whilst disharmony of the spleen can create symptoms such as fatigue, slow metabolism and water retention. Our modern lifestyle and associated chronic stress can negatively impact the livers ability to function properly, which can cause the spleen and in turn, the digestive system to function poorly and decrease metabolism. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs address both the physiological and psychological aspects of weight loss. Using TCM to aide your weight loss can help promote better digestion, calm emotions, reduce appetite and also speed up metabolism.
I have also received an order of a Chinese herbal formula that has been working well for patients on the journey to a healthy lifestyle. Give my office a call today for a free consultation, 951-698-7977.
Weight loss in Chinese medicine In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), excess weight is due to an imbalance within the body cause by a malfunctioning spleen and liver. In Chinese medicine theory, the spleen is responsible for the proper functioning of the digestive system, whilst disharmony of the spleen can create symptoms such as fatigue, slow metabolism and water retention. Our modern lifestyle and associated chronic stress can negatively impact the livers ability to function properly, which can cause the spleen and in turn, the digestive system to function poorly and decrease metabolism. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs address both the physiological and psychological aspects of weight loss. Using TCM to aide your weight loss can help promote better digestion, calm emotions, reduce appetite and also speed up metabolism.
I have also received an order of a Chinese herbal formula that has been working well for patients on the journey to a healthy lifestyle. Give my office a call today for a free consultation, 951-698-7977.
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